You have all seen the advertisements for products that promise to get you into great shape. They may be diet pills or exercise equipment, maybe some new fad that guarantees fast results. It's time to find out the truth about what it really takes to get into fantastic shape.
With so much information available at their fingertips, it's amazing that people continue to search for even more tips and secrets on how to get that shape they have always dreamed of. They will search for it in their favorite search engine, or look for it in a magazine at the grocery checkout counter.
Perhaps even ask the next-door neighbor. Everyone wants to know the inside secrets to obtaining a fantastic body without doing any work or changing how they eat.
Guess what? There aren't any secrets.
Perhaps liposuction comes closest to a shortcut, but even liposuction may not be a permanent solution if there is no lifestyle change.
The truth is that it will take work and it may be a long-term process if the person starts out with lots of body fat to lose.
Think of this logically. If it took 5, 10, 20, or more years of physical neglect to get into horrible shape, is it plausible to think that some 10 minute a day, 3 times per week stomach exercise will remedy the situation? If you are honest in your answer to that question, then it will be a resounding no.
The answer to achieving great visual shape has always been and will always be summed up in your physical and diet lifestyle habits.
There are little tricks and methods to slightly speed up the results, but it will always come down to how dedicated you are to the basics of exercise and activity coupled with a proper nutrition and dietary regiment.
Almost everyone knows this, but very few are willing to follow and continue following this timeless solution. It truly is time to wake up and exit the fantasy world painted by those who will capitalize on the average person and their wallets.
Every day there is some new exercise gadget or some secret potion that advertises as the Holy Grail to solving your body transformation goals. These so-called miracle products usually end up collecting dust in a basement or sitting in a corner of a cupboard. For most, the only thing that lost any weight was the bank account.
If you really want to get into shape, then do what those who are in great shape do. They have a good exercise and diet program. They don't fall prey to some advertising nonsense that preys on an individual’s insecurity. Above all, these people are dedicated, committed and take massive action in the pursuit of their goals.
Think of a friend or a family member who is good at what they do. Maybe this person is a good golfer or a talented artist. Whatever the specialty, you will find that they have spent a long time perfecting their craft.
In order to succeed in your body shaping goal, you will have to spend a good deal of time focused on the results you desire and actually put in the work required.
Barring any genetic or physical abnormalities, anyone with a dedicated, keen desire and who takes action towards their goal, will achieve success. That is what it really takes to get into great shape.
On a personal note. It's my opinion that anyone new to exercising or doesn't have a thorough background in exercise should find a personal trainer to guide them through at least a few workout sessions, but a month or two is much more educational. Even if it is not ongoing, if you get two or so sessions each month for a few months you will reach your goals much easier, safer and you will feel confident with what you are implementing. Don't just take advice from anyone who offers it. Just because someone may look as if they know what they are doing doesn't mean they do. To a newbie everyone looks more knowledgeable then they are in the gym. Everyone has a friend that thinks they are an expert and wants to offer advice, but will they offer to pay for your doctor bill if they advise you incorrectly?
That might of seemed a little harsh. But, I have seen many individuals health and fitness goals crushed and injuries brought upon these innocent victims from others lacking knowledge.
I hope this helped to see what it takes to REALLY be in great shape.
Interested in receiving my free bi-monthly Phil's Get-Fit-R e-Newsletter filled with content rich health & fitness articles, tips and tasty healthy Fat Loss and Muscle Gaining recipes? Click here for more information and also to subscribe.
Dedicated to helping people understand what it takes to achieve their health & fitness goals, how to implement a lifestyle which includes health & fitness into their world without it consuming their life. The key factor here is the unveiling of health & fitness in simplistic ways that anyone can comprehend and achieve.
21 June 2007
Invest in Your Health
What if a trusted friend were to tell you about an investment where you could not possibly go wrong...what would be your reaction? And what if there was a virtual mountain of credible information that supported the investment claims...wouldn't you be inclined to take advantage of the opportunity and not miss out on the rewards? Although the answer to these questions seems apparent, when it comes to investing in our health and quality of life we often choose to ignore what obviously works. Take for example, exercise...
Physical fitness may be the ultimate investment opportunity. Think of it this way. If you are willing to make the commitment (investment), you will feel and look healthier, have an abundance of energy, be more self-confident, more productive and discover a more joyous and fulfilling life. These are rewards that money cannot buy and the substance of high quality living. And, the investment of exercise becomes even more attractive when you consider that there is absolutely no down-side risk. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. How much better can it get? How many times can you remember ever having a better offer? The honest answer is probably never, and yet many of us fail to act on this extraordinary opportunity. We simply choose to procrastinate or ignore the proven benefits of exercise!
Here are a few reasons that sometimes inhibit our willingness to "step out" and make a change or take a chance:
- Sometimes our vision gets clouded. We lose tract of what is really important. Forget about the less important activities that tend to clutter our daily routine and focus on exactly what needs to be accomplished to reach your goal.
- Looking at the "big" picture can seem overwhelming. And the bigger the task, the more overwhelming it can seem. Break the task apart into smaller pieces. If you want to lose 50 pounds try losing 10 pounds and repeat the process five times! Need to start an exercise program? Begin with short, simple exercises and then slowly expand your routine. Don't exercise too hard when first starting-out or you will become stiff, tired, disillusioned and soon quit.
- Have you ever not wanted to start something for fear of failure? Take the first step, acknowledge the fear and the next step will come easier. Once fears are acknowledged, they usually quiet down.
- Sometimes we start to think that a task is unpleasant or boring. Just like any other activity, this can also be true for exercise. There are days when we just plain lack the enthusiasm and motivation to continue. It's part of human nature. On days like these focus on 'why' you are doing it. Think about all the people you care about and who may need and rely on you. What would happen if you became ill or disabled and was unable to work for a period of time, or worse, if you were out of the picture completely. How would things change? If something happened tomorrow, how would your family or business manage without you? What do you want your life to be like in the future? There are many tasks or chores we do, that we may not like, but are necessary to live a happen and productive life. Focus on the bigger picture. -
Indecision can be defeating, but doing "anything" is better than doing nothing. There are no wrong choices and very few choices that can't be undone or done again. Can't decide on a particular exercise program or routine? Pick a few exercises and start with something simple. If you don't like it, go on to the next exercise.
- When you lack the confidence to start something new, take a deep breath and try to figure out why. Are you hesitating because you really lack the skill or is it just imagined? If it's real, try to find out where to gain the skills you need or find someone with the right skills who can help. In the case of exercise, finding a qualified personal fitness trainer can sometimes do the trick, but be wary...some PFT's are overzealous and tend to start newcomers on programs that are too strenuous.
- Life just seems too busy to find time for some activities. Large, uninterrupted chunks of time are very hard to come by. And if we're honest, when they do come, we'd rather do something totally pleasurable! Exercise has to become part of your routine. It can't be an option. Make it a high priority just the same as your career, and other areas of interest. You will be surprised at how easy exercise becomes when approached this way!
- Have you ever subconsciously (or otherwise) invited distractions so that you have a "good" reason not to get something done? Sometimes it's the simple things like answering the phone or sitting down to watch that "one" TV program, that distract us. When you find yourself doing this, take control of the situation and make a conscious decision to do what you are avoiding.
To reap the benefits of exercise, or any other health related endeavor, you must agree to become a willing participant. This will require due diligence on your part. And remember, as you embark on your mission you are investing in something near and dear to your own heart...your life and a future of healthy living.
Interested in receiving my free bi-monthly Phil's Get-Fit-R e-Newsletter filled with content rich health & fitness articles, tips and tasty healthy Fat Loss and Muscle Gaining recipes? Click here for more information and also to subscribe.
Physical fitness may be the ultimate investment opportunity. Think of it this way. If you are willing to make the commitment (investment), you will feel and look healthier, have an abundance of energy, be more self-confident, more productive and discover a more joyous and fulfilling life. These are rewards that money cannot buy and the substance of high quality living. And, the investment of exercise becomes even more attractive when you consider that there is absolutely no down-side risk. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. How much better can it get? How many times can you remember ever having a better offer? The honest answer is probably never, and yet many of us fail to act on this extraordinary opportunity. We simply choose to procrastinate or ignore the proven benefits of exercise!
Here are a few reasons that sometimes inhibit our willingness to "step out" and make a change or take a chance:
- Sometimes our vision gets clouded. We lose tract of what is really important. Forget about the less important activities that tend to clutter our daily routine and focus on exactly what needs to be accomplished to reach your goal.
- Looking at the "big" picture can seem overwhelming. And the bigger the task, the more overwhelming it can seem. Break the task apart into smaller pieces. If you want to lose 50 pounds try losing 10 pounds and repeat the process five times! Need to start an exercise program? Begin with short, simple exercises and then slowly expand your routine. Don't exercise too hard when first starting-out or you will become stiff, tired, disillusioned and soon quit.
- Have you ever not wanted to start something for fear of failure? Take the first step, acknowledge the fear and the next step will come easier. Once fears are acknowledged, they usually quiet down.
- Sometimes we start to think that a task is unpleasant or boring. Just like any other activity, this can also be true for exercise. There are days when we just plain lack the enthusiasm and motivation to continue. It's part of human nature. On days like these focus on 'why' you are doing it. Think about all the people you care about and who may need and rely on you. What would happen if you became ill or disabled and was unable to work for a period of time, or worse, if you were out of the picture completely. How would things change? If something happened tomorrow, how would your family or business manage without you? What do you want your life to be like in the future? There are many tasks or chores we do, that we may not like, but are necessary to live a happen and productive life. Focus on the bigger picture. -
Indecision can be defeating, but doing "anything" is better than doing nothing. There are no wrong choices and very few choices that can't be undone or done again. Can't decide on a particular exercise program or routine? Pick a few exercises and start with something simple. If you don't like it, go on to the next exercise.
- When you lack the confidence to start something new, take a deep breath and try to figure out why. Are you hesitating because you really lack the skill or is it just imagined? If it's real, try to find out where to gain the skills you need or find someone with the right skills who can help. In the case of exercise, finding a qualified personal fitness trainer can sometimes do the trick, but be wary...some PFT's are overzealous and tend to start newcomers on programs that are too strenuous.
- Life just seems too busy to find time for some activities. Large, uninterrupted chunks of time are very hard to come by. And if we're honest, when they do come, we'd rather do something totally pleasurable! Exercise has to become part of your routine. It can't be an option. Make it a high priority just the same as your career, and other areas of interest. You will be surprised at how easy exercise becomes when approached this way!
- Have you ever subconsciously (or otherwise) invited distractions so that you have a "good" reason not to get something done? Sometimes it's the simple things like answering the phone or sitting down to watch that "one" TV program, that distract us. When you find yourself doing this, take control of the situation and make a conscious decision to do what you are avoiding.
To reap the benefits of exercise, or any other health related endeavor, you must agree to become a willing participant. This will require due diligence on your part. And remember, as you embark on your mission you are investing in something near and dear to your own heart...your life and a future of healthy living.
Interested in receiving my free bi-monthly Phil's Get-Fit-R e-Newsletter filled with content rich health & fitness articles, tips and tasty healthy Fat Loss and Muscle Gaining recipes? Click here for more information and also to subscribe.
Death to Fear
In order for us to change the things that we are unhappy with in our lives we have to change the way that we think. If we never change the way that we think we will continue to get the same results in our lives. In order for us to see changes in our lives we have to face our worst enemy and that is FEAR (really ourselves).
About 90% of people live their lives in fear and never become the person that they dream of becoming. This simply happens because they just fail to take action. They FEAR what they don't understand. We have to look at FEAR as nothing more then a word or as a learning process. Did you ever know what FEAR was when you were a young child? Probably not, at least until someone that you trusted or looked up to told you what it was. Mankind has simply connected a word to a feeling, giving it life and in turn making people fear it. Mark Twain said it best with this quote, "Do the things that you FEAR most and the DEATH to FEAR is certain." You owe it to yourself to understand this principle.
To conquer fear start by accomplishing the things that you fear the most. After doing so, you will look back and think how foolish it was to be afraid in the first place.
Learn to leave your comfort zone. When we leave our comfort zone we become a more rounded individual. When we do the things that we fear and look back at them afterwards, we see that what we feared has now turned into part of our comfort zone. This simply happens because we do not fear these things after accomplishing them in the past. The next time similar situations arise we will no longer stress over it, we will just do it.
We must set our minds on always conquering the unknown. Always "think outside the box". Look fear in the eyes and just do the task. Chances are that you will succeed and soon come to find out that FEAR is nothing more then a word. Every successful businessperson has undoubtedly faced fear many times, yet they have succeeded in their business. So can you!
Think back to when you were a child. Most of us have limitations put on our lives very early. We are taught how to think, what schools to attend, how to make a living, and finally, even how to plan our retirement. Most of us end up fearing anything that is different than what we are taught.
Once we understand and can change some of the beliefs that have been programmed into us by society, we can more fully take control of our lives and our destiny through the power of positive thought.
You to can become successful in any aspect of your life that you choose. You just have to get past one thing, YOURSELF!
When you do this you will start to become the person that you have always dreamed about. Today is the day you are going to take what is rightfully yours. It's called LIFE! We are here to enjoy every aspect of life, not just to be a part of it.
Believe in yourself and start by conquering FEAR!!
Interested in receiving my free bi-monthly Phil's Get-Fit-R e-Newsletter filled with content rich health & fitness articles, tips and tasty healthy Fat Loss and Muscle Gaining recipes? Click here for more information and also to subscribe.
About 90% of people live their lives in fear and never become the person that they dream of becoming. This simply happens because they just fail to take action. They FEAR what they don't understand. We have to look at FEAR as nothing more then a word or as a learning process. Did you ever know what FEAR was when you were a young child? Probably not, at least until someone that you trusted or looked up to told you what it was. Mankind has simply connected a word to a feeling, giving it life and in turn making people fear it. Mark Twain said it best with this quote, "Do the things that you FEAR most and the DEATH to FEAR is certain." You owe it to yourself to understand this principle.
To conquer fear start by accomplishing the things that you fear the most. After doing so, you will look back and think how foolish it was to be afraid in the first place.
Learn to leave your comfort zone. When we leave our comfort zone we become a more rounded individual. When we do the things that we fear and look back at them afterwards, we see that what we feared has now turned into part of our comfort zone. This simply happens because we do not fear these things after accomplishing them in the past. The next time similar situations arise we will no longer stress over it, we will just do it.
We must set our minds on always conquering the unknown. Always "think outside the box". Look fear in the eyes and just do the task. Chances are that you will succeed and soon come to find out that FEAR is nothing more then a word. Every successful businessperson has undoubtedly faced fear many times, yet they have succeeded in their business. So can you!
Think back to when you were a child. Most of us have limitations put on our lives very early. We are taught how to think, what schools to attend, how to make a living, and finally, even how to plan our retirement. Most of us end up fearing anything that is different than what we are taught.
Once we understand and can change some of the beliefs that have been programmed into us by society, we can more fully take control of our lives and our destiny through the power of positive thought.
You to can become successful in any aspect of your life that you choose. You just have to get past one thing, YOURSELF!
When you do this you will start to become the person that you have always dreamed about. Today is the day you are going to take what is rightfully yours. It's called LIFE! We are here to enjoy every aspect of life, not just to be a part of it.
Believe in yourself and start by conquering FEAR!!
Interested in receiving my free bi-monthly Phil's Get-Fit-R e-Newsletter filled with content rich health & fitness articles, tips and tasty healthy Fat Loss and Muscle Gaining recipes? Click here for more information and also to subscribe.
Dumbbells for smart weight training
Lifting weights to develop muscle and strength is at an all time high in popularity.
The reason? It works!
However, there are some factors you should keep in mind. When using a barbell with weights, you should workout with a partner. When you are lying down on a weight bench pushing hard to get that last repetition and you hit a sticking point, you could be in serious trouble.
When the weights get stuck in this position, even lifting it above your neck, past your head and dropping it to the floor can become an impossible task.
In addition, when cheating to get some extra repetitions in doing a bicep curl using a barbell, for example, you need to swing your body to get momentum to lift the weights. This can cause a strain or result in a pulled muscle.
That doesn't mean you should abandon weights. If you have a training partner, great. If not, consider going to a gym. There are generally plenty of people around who can come to your rescue.
A better alternative for you just might be a set of dumbbells.
Using the example just given, do the bench press with dumbbells. You get a better stretch at the bottom of the repetition and, if you do get stuck and can't get that last repetition in, drop them to your side and allow them to hit the floor.
When doing that bicep curl, do one arm at a time. When you have done all the repetitions you can do correctly, use your free hand to apply enough pressure to help do another repetition, and then slowly lower the dumbbell. Do a couple more if you like.
This will definitely pump your arms like nothing you've done before, and is much safer than using a barbell. You also get a full range of motion, getting a full stretch and giving your muscles a more beneficial workout.
If you want more of a challenge, use dumbbells on an exercise ball. The ball creates instability which causes your body's core muscles to work hard to keep you on the ball. If you do lose balance, it is much easier to toss aside the dumbbells than it is to toss aside the barbell.
There are numerous exercises you can do using dumbbells and you can do them at home; with or without a training partner.
Dumbbells are not very expensive and may just be one of the best pieces of exercise equipment you own.
Interested in receiving my free bi-monthly Phil's Get-Fit-R e-Newsletter filled with content rich health & fitness articles, tips and tasty healthy Fat Loss and Muscle Gaining recipes? Click here for more information and also to subscribe.
The reason? It works!
However, there are some factors you should keep in mind. When using a barbell with weights, you should workout with a partner. When you are lying down on a weight bench pushing hard to get that last repetition and you hit a sticking point, you could be in serious trouble.
When the weights get stuck in this position, even lifting it above your neck, past your head and dropping it to the floor can become an impossible task.
In addition, when cheating to get some extra repetitions in doing a bicep curl using a barbell, for example, you need to swing your body to get momentum to lift the weights. This can cause a strain or result in a pulled muscle.
That doesn't mean you should abandon weights. If you have a training partner, great. If not, consider going to a gym. There are generally plenty of people around who can come to your rescue.
A better alternative for you just might be a set of dumbbells.
Using the example just given, do the bench press with dumbbells. You get a better stretch at the bottom of the repetition and, if you do get stuck and can't get that last repetition in, drop them to your side and allow them to hit the floor.
When doing that bicep curl, do one arm at a time. When you have done all the repetitions you can do correctly, use your free hand to apply enough pressure to help do another repetition, and then slowly lower the dumbbell. Do a couple more if you like.
This will definitely pump your arms like nothing you've done before, and is much safer than using a barbell. You also get a full range of motion, getting a full stretch and giving your muscles a more beneficial workout.
If you want more of a challenge, use dumbbells on an exercise ball. The ball creates instability which causes your body's core muscles to work hard to keep you on the ball. If you do lose balance, it is much easier to toss aside the dumbbells than it is to toss aside the barbell.
There are numerous exercises you can do using dumbbells and you can do them at home; with or without a training partner.
Dumbbells are not very expensive and may just be one of the best pieces of exercise equipment you own.
Interested in receiving my free bi-monthly Phil's Get-Fit-R e-Newsletter filled with content rich health & fitness articles, tips and tasty healthy Fat Loss and Muscle Gaining recipes? Click here for more information and also to subscribe.
Weight loss
12 June 2007
Herbal Remedies for Cleansing and Detoxifying the Body
Most herbalists believe that a lot of modern day illnesses, diseases and chronic health conditions are caused by years and years of dietary neglect. Eating junk food, preservatives and other chemicals, combined with the lack of proper vitamins and minerals causes a build up of toxins inside the body, which in turn can wreak havoc on the body's immune system and cleansing capabilities.
While there are many herbal and alternative remedies that are designed to deal with specific conditions, most Herbalists believe that the key to treating almost all conditions is to treat the underlying causes of these conditions instead.
One example is the skin disease known as Psoriasis. This condition is caused by the overreaction of the body's immune system to a certain stimulus. This causes the immune system to push new skin cells to the surface at a much faster rate than normal. This in turn causes an excess of skin on the surface of the body, which results in flaky, scaly sore spots on various locations of the body.
The focus of most modern day medications for treating Psoriasis is on trying to minimize the scaly buildup. Some treatments even try to suppress the body's immune system to 'solve' the problem. From an Herbalists point of view, this can only lead to further problems.
When the body's normal waste removal systems become clogged or stagnated, it can cause toxins to leak back into the blood stream, which in turn can cause all kinds of problems for the internal organs. This can lead to a variety of conditions, diseases and symptoms caused by the body's desperate attempts to clean out toxins and wastes that are polluting it. If the body cannot eliminate these toxins via the normal method (elimination through the colon), one of the next options is eliminating the toxins through the skin.
etoxifying the body is often accomplished through the use of enemas. Enemas will help quickly flush out any stagnant waste within the colon.
This article addresses just a sample of one of the major problems that can occur due to the buildup of toxins within the body. Detoxifying the body can and should be done naturally by making the right dietary choices, addressing vitamin deficiencies and through the use of herbal remedies.
For more information on and alternative remedies click here.
Statements made within this article may not be approved by the FDA and should not be taken as professional medical advice.
While there are many herbal and alternative remedies that are designed to deal with specific conditions, most Herbalists believe that the key to treating almost all conditions is to treat the underlying causes of these conditions instead.
One example is the skin disease known as Psoriasis. This condition is caused by the overreaction of the body's immune system to a certain stimulus. This causes the immune system to push new skin cells to the surface at a much faster rate than normal. This in turn causes an excess of skin on the surface of the body, which results in flaky, scaly sore spots on various locations of the body.
The focus of most modern day medications for treating Psoriasis is on trying to minimize the scaly buildup. Some treatments even try to suppress the body's immune system to 'solve' the problem. From an Herbalists point of view, this can only lead to further problems.
When the body's normal waste removal systems become clogged or stagnated, it can cause toxins to leak back into the blood stream, which in turn can cause all kinds of problems for the internal organs. This can lead to a variety of conditions, diseases and symptoms caused by the body's desperate attempts to clean out toxins and wastes that are polluting it. If the body cannot eliminate these toxins via the normal method (elimination through the colon), one of the next options is eliminating the toxins through the skin.
etoxifying the body is often accomplished through the use of enemas. Enemas will help quickly flush out any stagnant waste within the colon.
This article addresses just a sample of one of the major problems that can occur due to the buildup of toxins within the body. Detoxifying the body can and should be done naturally by making the right dietary choices, addressing vitamin deficiencies and through the use of herbal remedies.
For more information on and alternative remedies click here.
Statements made within this article may not be approved by the FDA and should not be taken as professional medical advice.
Milanese Steak Grill

Here"s what you need...
- 1 lb. boneless beef top round steak, 3/4 inch thick, trimmed of fat
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon pepper
- 1/3 cup finely chopped fresh parsley
- 2 tablespoons grated lemon peel
- 3 large garlic cloves, minced
- 1/4 cup dry white wine or chicken broth
- 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
- Heat grill. Lightly sprinkle both sides of steak with salt and pepper. When ready to grill, place steak on gas grill over medium heat or on charcoal grill 4 to 6 inches from medium coals. Cook 8 to 11 minutes until desired doneness, turning once.
- Meanwhile, on rimmed platter or in shallow baking dish, combine remaining ingredients; mix well.
- Place hot grilled steak in sauce mixture. Cut steak diagonally across grain into slices. Coat each slice with sauce mixture before placing on individual plates. Spoon any remaining sauce over steak slices.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving (1/4 of recipe) equals 150 calories, 4g fat, 2g carbohydrates and 24g protein.
Interested in receiving my free bi-monthly Phil's Get-Fit-R e-Newsletter filled with content rich health & fitness articles, tips and tasty healthy Fat Loss and Muscle Gaining recipes? Click here for more information and also to subscribe.
Can water really help you look and feel great?
Summer is here bringing with it a welcomed increase in temperature. While you enjoy a day out in the sun you may be struck with the desire for a glass of icy cold water. This thirsty reminder should not be taken lightly - as much as 75% of adults suffer from mild, chronic dehydration, a condition that dramatically works against your weight loss efforts.
Read on to discover why water consumption must be at the top of your list in your quest for a fit, healthy and athletic body.
Water does all that?
Though you probably don't think about it often, water is the most essential element, next to air, to your survival. The simple combination of two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen makes up more than two thirds of your body and is involved in a host of bodily functions that we routinely take for granted. Just to name a few:
You've probably heard that you need to drink plenty of water in order to drop weight, but did you ever wonder why? What does water have to do with decreasing your calories and increasing your activity level in an effort to shed pounds?
1. Water is a natural appetite suppressant
Fill your stomach with a glass of water before each meal and you will find that you won't eat as much. This also works on snacking throughout the day, keep hydrated all day long and watch as your desire to snack decreases.
2. Water increases your body's ability to efficiently metabolize fat
This process begins with your kidneys receiving enough water to function at their peak, which in turn helps your liver reach optimal efficiency in removing toxins and waste from your blood. With your liver working at maximum capacity, fat will be metabolized at a higher rate. This means a decrease in your overall body fat. (And who doesn't want that?)
3. Water is the perfect substitute for high calorie beverages
Want to super-charge your fitness results this summer? Well, this is the most effective way to utilize water toward your waist-shrinking efforts. Most of us consume more than our share of calorie-packed beverages. Smoothies, shakes, frozen mochas, soft get the idea. When you trade your high calorie beverages in for a tall glass of water you will expedite your results in a major way.
The Other Side of the Story...
Now you know that drinking sufficient amounts of water will help you reach your fitness goals faster than ever, but you should also know that failing to drink enough water comes with serious consequences...
5 Hydration Tips:
Tip #1: Caffeinated beverages - such as coffee, soft drinks or energy drinks - cause your body to lose water. After you enjoy a dose of caffeine replace the lost water by drinking 2 times that amount in water.
Tip #2: Add a slice of lemon to your water to spice things up.
Tip #3: Always carry water with you throughout your day - keep a bottle in the car, at your workplace and next to your bed.
Tip #4: Exercise and hot summer days both increase your body's water requirements - make a mental note to drink before, during and after exercise or while out on a hot day.
Tip #5: Make it a habit to begin your day with a large glass of water then drink a glass before each meal and one between meals.
Bonus Tip #6: There is one other thing you can do to achieve you fitness goals in the shortest amount of time possible - work with a certified fitness expert like me!
Interested in receiving my free bi-monthly Phil's Get-Fit-R e-Newsletter filled with content rich health & fitness articles, tips and tasty healthy Fat Loss and Muscle Gaining recipes? Click here for more information and also to subscribe.
Read on to discover why water consumption must be at the top of your list in your quest for a fit, healthy and athletic body.
Water does all that?
Though you probably don't think about it often, water is the most essential element, next to air, to your survival. The simple combination of two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen makes up more than two thirds of your body and is involved in a host of bodily functions that we routinely take for granted. Just to name a few:
- Water works to regulate the thermal condition of your body
- Water serves as a lubricant in your joints
- Water helps flush toxins from your blood
- Water gives your skin a clear, glowing complexion
- Water assists with digestion, pulling all the usable nutrients out of foods
- Water aides in disease prevention (Drinking 8 glasses a day has shown to reduce your chance of colon cancer by 45% and bladder cancer by 50%)
You've probably heard that you need to drink plenty of water in order to drop weight, but did you ever wonder why? What does water have to do with decreasing your calories and increasing your activity level in an effort to shed pounds?
1. Water is a natural appetite suppressant
Fill your stomach with a glass of water before each meal and you will find that you won't eat as much. This also works on snacking throughout the day, keep hydrated all day long and watch as your desire to snack decreases.
2. Water increases your body's ability to efficiently metabolize fat
This process begins with your kidneys receiving enough water to function at their peak, which in turn helps your liver reach optimal efficiency in removing toxins and waste from your blood. With your liver working at maximum capacity, fat will be metabolized at a higher rate. This means a decrease in your overall body fat. (And who doesn't want that?)
3. Water is the perfect substitute for high calorie beverages
Want to super-charge your fitness results this summer? Well, this is the most effective way to utilize water toward your waist-shrinking efforts. Most of us consume more than our share of calorie-packed beverages. Smoothies, shakes, frozen mochas, soft get the idea. When you trade your high calorie beverages in for a tall glass of water you will expedite your results in a major way.
The Other Side of the Story...
Now you know that drinking sufficient amounts of water will help you reach your fitness goals faster than ever, but you should also know that failing to drink enough water comes with serious consequences...
- Your body will shift into "preserve" mode - which means you will store more fat.
- Bodily functions will slow - leading to an overall decrease in energy levels.
- Headaches will become an expected nuisance - your brain is over 70% water.
5 Hydration Tips:
Tip #1: Caffeinated beverages - such as coffee, soft drinks or energy drinks - cause your body to lose water. After you enjoy a dose of caffeine replace the lost water by drinking 2 times that amount in water.
Tip #2: Add a slice of lemon to your water to spice things up.
Tip #3: Always carry water with you throughout your day - keep a bottle in the car, at your workplace and next to your bed.
Tip #4: Exercise and hot summer days both increase your body's water requirements - make a mental note to drink before, during and after exercise or while out on a hot day.
Tip #5: Make it a habit to begin your day with a large glass of water then drink a glass before each meal and one between meals.
Bonus Tip #6: There is one other thing you can do to achieve you fitness goals in the shortest amount of time possible - work with a certified fitness expert like me!
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Balancing Act
Activities that require the coordination of your entire body, such as jogging, swimming, and the elliptical trainer, burn more calories than stabilized activities, such as a stationary bike. For maximal calorie burning, choose cardiovascular exercises that use your entire body.
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